What is a Breach of Service Level?


Understanding Breach of Service Level in Contact Centres

A Breach of Service Level occurs when a contact centre fails to meet the predefined service level agreements (SLAs) established with clients or stakeholders. SLAs typically include specific metrics such as response times, resolution times, and overall service quality. A breach indicates that the contact centre did not achieve the expected standards, which can impact customer satisfaction and the centre’s overall performance.


Key Components of Service Levels


  1. Response Time: The maximum allowable time to respond to a customer’s inquiry or issue.
  2. Resolution Time: The maximum allowable time to resolve a customer’s problem or complete their request.
  3. Service Quality: The expected level of quality in handling customer interactions, often measured through customer satisfaction scores or quality assurance evaluations.


Causes of Breach of Service Level


  1. High Call Volume: Sudden spikes in call volume can overwhelm agents, leading to longer wait times and delayed responses.
  2. Staffing Issues: Inadequate staffing levels, whether due to absences, turnover, or poor scheduling, can result in unmet service levels.
  3. Technical Problems: System outages or technical difficulties can hinder agents’ ability to respond promptly and effectively.
  4. Process Inefficiencies: Inefficient processes or lack of streamlined workflows can slow down response and resolution times.


Impacts of Breach of Service Level


  1. Customer Dissatisfaction: Failing to meet service levels can lead to frustrated customers, negative feedback, and potential loss of business.
  2. Penalties: Some SLAs include financial penalties or other consequences for failing to meet agreed-upon metrics.
  3. Reputation Damage: Consistently breaching service levels can harm the contact centre’s reputation and client relationships.
  4. Operational Strain: Repeated breaches can indicate underlying issues that place additional strain on the contact centre’s operations.


Strategies to Prevent Breach of Service Level


  1. Accurate Forecasting: Use predictive analytics to forecast call volumes and ensure adequate staffing levels to handle expected demand.
  2. Effective Scheduling: Implement flexible scheduling practices to ensure that agents are available during peak times and that coverage is maintained.
  3. Training and Development: Regularly train agents to improve their efficiency and ability to handle various customer issues promptly.
  4. Process Optimization: Streamline workflows and implement efficient processes to reduce response and resolution times.
  5. Real-Time Monitoring: Continuously monitor service level metrics in real-time to identify potential breaches early and take corrective action.



A Breach of Service Level is a critical issue for contact centres, indicating that the expected standards of customer service are not being met. To prevent breaches, contact centres must focus on accurate forecasting, effective scheduling, agent training, and process optimization. By monitoring service levels in real-time and addressing potential issues proactively, contact centres can maintain high standards of service, ensuring customer satisfaction and operational excellence. Maintaining compliance with SLAs is essential for building and sustaining positive client relationships and a strong reputation in the industry.


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