In AI What Is an Intelligent Agent?
Artificial intelligence is a more and more familiar concept to us, and not just because of sensational movies predicting the end of life as we know it.
The process whereby a computer system could perform tasks that normally require human intelligence is widely accepted now as a part of our daily lives, with so many of the devices we use utilising some form of AI.
It has increased efficiency and reduced costs across so many areas of industry and had a huge impact on our personal lives too, and yet there is still a lot that isn’t widely understood about it.
An Intelligent Agent helps put AI into action, so here we will look at what exactly it is and what it means for each of us.
What Is an Intelligent Agent in Artificial Intelligence?
As simply put as we can make it, an Intelligent Agent (IA) is an entity that takes in information, decides what to do next and then does it.
While a human takes in information using their eyes, ears and so on, an Intelligent Agent (IA) uses cameras, microphones and natural language processing to get theirs.
Likewise, a person would complete a task using their hands or mouth while an IA makes use of speakers, screens and even robotics called actuators.
There are different types of agents with varying degrees of complexity but in general, an Intelligent Agent completes these steps:
- Take in information from sensors
- Use Artificial Intelligence to decide what to do
- Complete the action suggested using actuators
- Remember this course of action for future decisions (if the right kind)
Categories of Intelligent Agents
Intelligent Agents are categorised in different ways depending on their supposed level of intelligence and what they can do.
These are ranked here from least complicated to most, though of course all of this technology is far from simple and still pretty awe-inspiring despite how commonplace it has become.
- Simple reflex agents – these as stated are the simplest example of IA, working on what we already know.
- Model-based reflex agents
- Goal-based agents
- Utility-based agents
- Learning agents – these can actively learn and adapt based on their experience making them a truly spectacular example of IA.
How Do IAs Impact Our Lives?
The first and main example that many people will think of is the likes of Alexa and Siri.
They have become such a normal and well-used part of our daily lives that it is easy to forget that they use Artificial Intelligence to meet our needs.
Voice-activated and building up a store of experiences to work from, your device can soon better recommend what music you might like or facts you want to know and deliver them to you in an instant.
IAs do not always have such a recognisable voice but can still help and impact us in so many areas from internet searches to administrative tasks and driving, like self-driving cars deciding to brake to avoid a crash.
Whether you are thinking personally or globally, Intelligent Agents are becoming a bigger and bigger part of peoples’ work and personal lives, improving efficiency, saving time and meeting needs so it is important to know what exactly it is that you are using or talking to and how to get the most out of it for you and your business.